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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Download recent From Linux

Download recent From Linux
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why is Penguin Linux's Mascot?

This question that causes we so razzing and annoying,, shuttlecock can yeah? why is animal ga other that ghostlike as Tiger,another or crocodile!!
there is that tofu about news this??

there is that opinion "originally been worked Larry Ewing, base discussion result at mailing list Linux's kernel. Why just penguin which is chosen own doesn't take down from Linus Torvalds's hobby, its you Linux, with pole animal one it. In its biography book Just For Fun, Linus really claim penguin's weight fans. Even one while evers been Linus bit by penguin which asked out by it plays at one Australian zoo. Escape from a variety start criticism about the Tux, at least blessing Linuxlah, fauna type that there's only 17 species this fast being loved and is now can be met all over: singlet geek, multiple diverse mug, singlet and t shirt, mousepad, tattoo, SELL, doll, IBM'S advertising, art's ascii, skin Quake, and is still a lot of. Cute but few tubby, who that sih won't annoyed?

There is story pull Linus Torvalds's causative the Linux's operating system maker utilizes penguin as mascot of logo from operating system that be created. Torvalds's that time be travels with Andrew Tridgell. Its logo visualisation dikompetisikan to generically passes discussion on mailing list Linux kernel. Pencetusnya is Alan Cox, and elected logo mascot given by Tux's name, made by Larry Ewing and to be used until now. (Samba's compiler. Samba is one program which enable Unix / Linux's machine gets communication with Windows 2000 in one network) at one garden. Suddenly Torvalds Dipatok penguin, and after that it experiences fever for many days. She thoughts, this character match for representing Linux. It wants its user become maddest alias fever to utilize and racks brains atik Linux. And apparently, what do be imagined its as fact. Nearly each first time user gets acquaintance with Linux becomes sleepless, and whiles away it for hours at computer front for plays around by Linux".

maybe be, early its beginning Penguin becomes linux's mascot.. surprise rather euy...
I expect to mark sense version any other again that deepen philosophy to utilize this penguin animal . :)

tutorial FTP

Protocol Transfer file (FTP) are a functioning protocol for file exchange in a network that mensupport TCP / IP protocol. Two aught highlight in FTP is FTP server and FTP Client. FTP is server carries on software that is utilized for file exchange, one that always ready memberian services FTP if gets request from FTP Client. FTP client is computer that merequest connection goes to FTP server for the purpose file exchange (upload or downloads file).

To the effect FTP server is as follows:

1. To men sharing data.
2. To provide indirect or implicit is computer's remote.
3. To provide place storage for user.
4. To provide data transfer that reliable and efficient.

FTP actually makes the point that don't safe for mentransfer file because that file at transfer without via enkripsi beforehand but through clear text. text's mode that is dressed for data transfer is Binary's ASCII or format format. default's ala, ftp utilizes ASCII mode for data transfer. Since its dispatch without enkripsi, therefore username, password, data that at transfer, and also instruction that is fired off gets at sniffing by person by use of protocol analyzer (Sniffer). Solution that is utilized is by use of SFTP (SSH FTP) which is FTP what does get basis on SSH or utilizes FTPS (FTP over SSL) so data that is fired off beforehand at code

FTP usually utilizes two ports which is ports 20 and 21 and walking exclusively passes through TCP. FTP is Listen's server on port 21 for incoming connection from FTP Client. Usually port 21 for command port and port 20 for port data. On FTP server, available 2 connection mode which is mode active and mode passives.

for that ftp's purpose we can own download its software or direct just via comment. usually application which I pake to upload and downloads is WsFtp_LE, why am I utilize its application because that application simpel's enough and demulcent for at utilizes. so our despite have minimum computer but we will demulcent to carry on it.

if software purpose trick wsftp I perceive simpel's enough you stay to log in and continually at denga's go-ahead I drag file which that wants you to upload or download.

there is again we can utilize ftp comment's pass that default usually is at windows 2000. for its purpose steps is. we come in to go to Start–'s menu>>Run, continually command's typing, then you determine folder file place that wants you to upload or whereabouts our place put file that want us to download.

after comes in to go to folder that at intention then you are ftp's typing, for example ftp tux and then she conect will go to server that our leave for as as that its another shall also user's entry and password ftp we. after you come in therefore you will come in to go to menu home ftp kita.anda can see content from home that by order of ls therefore then will emerge details of file and folder what does we have. if you want to come in to folder any other. with one case usually which is with entry commands CD for example be cd public_html. after you come in to go to folder that our leave for therefore we can direct just upload or download. to take orders it if you haven't know therefore you stay behind even entry sign “?” for example ftp> ? therefore will emerge lish takes orders one can at utilizes here. to upload file aloning to utilize PUT'S instruction for example ftp>put arief.jpg therefore will file direct that at uploads from computer we go to server. or you can also download file those are at server go to our computer by use of instruction get for example ftp>get arief.jpg therefore file tersebuat will at copy of server goes to our computer. if you have are finished by all process therefore you can close or issue of ftp's service by use of instruction bye.

SAFE TRIES …….. Hopefully successful...

Open Source's game

Open Source' s games

On the fifteenth 16 20th September then Me and KSL BL'S member friend arrange open source's es, that among those game OpenArena, FretsonFire and Schorched 3D its races no charge shuttlecocks without at take up payment, yes a only amusement and informs that linux's purpose as what. and also game At nots linux succumbs its sharp with OS Another mention just WxxDxxs. ho .. ho .. ho ..

Hereunder is yielding Software race documentation freedom day that executed by activist KSL BL that executed at Budi Luhur University

Take orders linux's Basic


if has came in to go to this page your matter have success install linux....
for the first time perhaps we shall make ready user new before, besides root, since what, our kalo new first time holds new material usually we ever be left experimen right, and it dangerously what again you again log in as root, let its safe main as user of so-sos for that we shall get things square user logs in any other besides root. we take for example user andi its trick as it:, since one can get things square / makes only root therefore you shall log in before as root

Previously to be known that deep unix, instruction or command is case sensitiv, one that matter shall at uppercase purpose looking at and its little.

booting linux temen temen disuguhi's first time felicitates to come and end on text prompt as it:

Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in:
on prompt this inserts root's name, and password it you still to remind first time installation time.
Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in:root
afterwards steps to go to password
Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in:root
Password: ******* fill in passwordnya
if you find prompt as it:
Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in:root
Password: *******
last logs in: mon jun 7 16:53:21 on tty1
[root@localhost /root] #
udah's matter is successful logs in one for root
on sign # it denotes you log in as root and plenipotentiary to system, for the moment you have ready to add new user by order of adduser,as beikut; e.g. name it arief
[root@localhost /roo] # adduser arief
afterwards adds password for arief by order of passwd
[root@localhost /root] # passwd arief
afterwards will emerge writing as following as to fill password and password's confirmation
root@localhost root # passwd arief New Unix Password: ******* , fill in password in here
Retype new unix password: ********, this fills in to equal that above
then kalo emerges:
passwd: all authentification tokens updated succesfully
udeh's matter success makes user and password new for user arief
now issue from root by sets down logout or Ctrl d. (ctrl key press then d.)
[root@localhost /root] # logout
note: machines deadening trick linux shall be done by logs in root, do command it to switch off linux
[root@localhost /root] # shutdown h now
this is trick most safe to turn the computer off over linux, parameter h is deadening linux's program or shutdown in windows 2000 terminology
[root@localhost /root] # shutdown r now is parameter to restart computer
we drawn out, and appearance will as this hereunder as as that above:
Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in: arief
Password: *******, fill in passwordnya andi
you will step to go to:
Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in: arief
Password: *******
last logs in: mon jun 7 16:53:21 on tty1
[arief @localhost arief] $
You safe have successful uses new user. and you can begin studying safely and bash prompt see you are changed as sign $. that its meaning logs in as user ordinary.
Now we study To Command basic that often been utilized by user:

- ls (list) are command to see file or direktory even, there are several option at in it and can see pake
man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ ls la
this is see all aught file content in direktory arief
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for ls by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man ls
- cp (copy) are command for mencopy / double file available many option at in it and that dilihatdengan can
man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ cp namafile (new file name)
this is see mencopy namafile's file and to be made namafilebaru aught in direktory arief
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for cp by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man cp
- rm (remove) are command to erase file, there is beberpa option at in it and can see pake instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ rm namafile
this is see to erase one file whatever available in direktory arief, and named namafile
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for rm by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man rm
- mv (move) are command to move file from long time place goes to place a new one,there is beberpa option
at in it can see pake man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ mv / home / arief / direktory001 / namafile / home / andi / direktor002 / namafile
this is memindahakan namafile at direktory / home / arief / direktory001 / goes to directory
/home / arief / direktor002 /
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for mv by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man mv
- pwd (parrent working directory) are command to erase sees directory where we lie currently
there is beberpa option at in it and can see pake man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ rm namafile
this is see to erase one file whatever available in direktory arief, and named namafile
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for pwd by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man pwd
- CD (change directory) are command for devolves directory where we lie currently go to place
or directory new, there are several option at in it and can be seen by order of man
[arief @localhost arief] $ CD / mnt or CD / usr / doc
this is moving into direktory / mnt and devolves into direktory / usr / doc
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for cd by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man is CD
- mkdir (make directory) are command to make directory
there are several option at in it and can see pake man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ mkdir / home / arief / studies
this is make new direktory one is placed at direktory / home / arief / and by the name of studying
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for mkdir by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man mkdir
- rmdir (remove directory) are command to erase directory
there are several option at in it and can see pake man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ rmdir / home / arief / studies
this is erase direktory those are on direktory / home / arief / by the name of studying
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for rmdir by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man rmdir
- paint is command to see content more from file something (as type's instruction in PACK)
there are several option at in it and can see pake man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ namafile's paint
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for mkdir by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man paints
- man (manual) are command to see manual from a command (seperty commands help /? in PACK)
[arief@localhost andi] $ man mkdir
- top is subject to be see process that be happens deep computer and will feature PID'S number from
each process that be walks
PID = Process ID
- kill kills / switch off process that be happens deep system
[arief @localhost arief] $ kill 1332 (where is number 1332 is PID'S numbers from one processes)
can see PID'S number passes to command top
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for kill by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man kill
- killall kills / switch off all process that be happens deep system
[arief @localhost arief] $ killall

such a degree tutorial from me,, you comment appeal in posting this

Linux's history

Linux's history

Linux initially being made by a Finlandia's college student that named Linus Torvalds. Formerly Linux constitutes
hobby project that diinspirasikan from Minix, which is system UNIX little that developed by Andrew Tanenbaum.
Linux is version 0.01 worked by august vicinity 1991. Then on the fifteenth 5th October 1991, Linus
announcing Linux's authorized version, which is version 0.02 one just gets to carry on shell bash (GNU Bourne Again
Shell) and gcc (GNU c Compiler).
Now Linux is UNIX'S system that so fledged, can be utilized for network, software development
and even for chore. Linux presenting to constitute operating system alternative that by a long shot
a bargain in comparison with operating system komersial (e.g. Windows 2000 9.x / NT / 2000 / I). Linux has
meteoric developing. It can be enabled since Linux developed by group medley
person. This diversity included gnostic zoom, experience and geographical. That this group gets to get communication
with expeditious, internet becomes felicitous option.
Since Linux's kernel is developed with effort that independent, there are many application which is of service, for example,
C Compiler utilizes gcc from Free Foundation GNU's Software ’ s Project. This compiler a lot of is utilized
on Hewlett Packard's environment and Sun.
Currently, there are many application applicable Linux for office need as for spreadsheet,
word processor, database and graphics editor program that have function and appearance as Office's Microsoft, which is
Star Office. Besides, have also available Corel's version to Linux and application as Matlab that on Linux
known as Scilab.
Linux can be gotten in various distribution (often been called distro). distro is bind from Linux's kernel,
system therewith linux's basic, installation program, tools basic, and useful other programs according to
to the effect makings distro. There is myriad distro Linux, amongst those:
?? RedHat, the most popular distribution, minimal at Indonesia. RedHat constitutes first one distribution
installation and its operation is easily.
?? Debian, distribution that accentuate stability and to mainstay, even sacrify amenity aspect
and kemutakhiran programs. Debian utilizes .deb deep program installation package it.
?? Slackware, constituting distribution that evers been merajai at universalizes Linux. Nearly all documentation Linux
arranged bases Slackware. Two highlights from Slackware is that all its content (kernel, library
or application even it) are already be tested. So maybe oldish but one must stable. Secondly
since she advises for menginstall from source so each program which we install teroptimasi
with our system. This reason its nots she wants to utilize binary RPM and until Slackware 4.0, it
regular utilizes libc5 is not glibc glibc as the other.
?? SuSE, far-famed distribution with YaST (Yet another setup Tools) to mengkonfigurasi system.
SuSE constitutes first distribution where its installation can utilize indonesian.
?? Mandrake, constituting distro RedHat's variant that dioptimasi to pentium. If our computer utilizes
pentium onto, generally Linux can faster road with Mandrake.
?? WinLinux, distro who is designed for diinstall up the stairs partisi PACK (Windows 2000). So to carry on it
can at click from Windows 2000. WinLinux is made one will constitute an under's application programs Windows 2000s.
And is still a lot of distro distro another already is of service and also that will emerge.

Tutorial I/O and Linux's Basic instruction

Tutorial I/O and Linux's Basic instruction

redirection's recognition and pipe
Redirection and pipe constitutes default from shell's facility at unix.

redirection's facility enables we for can keep output from one process to be kept to other file
(Output Redirection) or contrariwise utilize content from file as input in a process (redirection's input).
Components from redirection is<, >, < <, > >
To its clearer will at gives example for each one redirection:

Output Redirection
We will utilize paint instruction already are of service default's ala at shell linux.
Syntaxnya as follows:
$ paint>
Making File by the name of test
arief@noize:~$ paint> test
this just one test from output redirection
Seeing test file content
arief@noize:~$ test paint
this just one test from output redirection
Increase for test file
arief@noize:~$ paint> > test
this the line affix from long time one...
Seeing files loading back afters test be added some word
antoro@drutz:~$ test paint
this just one test from output redirection
this the line affix from long time one...
Herein we see that output from paint instruction will at arches (redirect) to one file by the name of test.
1.1.2. Redirection's input
Content from a file we will utilize as input from a process who we will carry on. For example we will
try to send mail goes to self sendiridengan fills indigenous mail previous test file
arief@noize:~$ mail arief@noize< >Pipeline
Pipeline( | ) are facility at shell UNIX that functioning to give input from a process from output processes
another one. Let say for example:
Before we utilize pipeline
arief@noize:~$ find *
dead. letter
After we utilize pipeline
arief@noize:~$ find * | grep tests
On pipeline's example upon, having that mean output from find's instruction becomes input from grep's instruction that
then just takes word "test" from output find.

Shell (bash command)
Shell is one program which read default input which is keyboard. While is we mengetikkan something at keyboard
therefore shell will paraphrase what does we ketikkan. For example if we ketikkan ls on shell and
ls apparently constitute program who can at eksekusi therefore shell will carry on that program.
For example:
arief@noize:~$ ls
arief@noize:~$ hello
bash: hello: command not found
We can see that while our ls ketikkan therefore program ls is carried on, meanwhile if we carry on
hello and because really no program hello therefore shell that mengeksekusinya can't.
4.2. 1 shell's types
shell's type that is utilized at unix and also linux widely varied, but to be seen from user amount facet its shell
one that a lot of is used is as follows:
?? Bourne shell (sh)
?? C shell (csh)
?? Korn shell (ksh)
?? Bourne Again shell (bash)
All the much at utilizes is bash, where does this bash constitute development from sh and ksh. Majority
linux's distribution now utilizes bash as default shellnya.
4.2. 2 Take Orders basics in Linux

Command this paint feature content from a file goes to standart output (stdout)
$ paint
arief@noize:~$ test paint
this just one test from output redirection
this the line affix from long time one...
paint can also be utilized to insert one content from a file into the other file.
$ file1's paint file3> file4
This clear's instruction kindred with cls on its PACK utilised clears display
$ clear
Alike with copy on PACK, this cp's instruction functions mengkopi file.
$ cp [option] file / dir / path /
To clearer pleases to be read by its option by carry on:
$ cp--help

cut's instruction defines a meaty file data bases column
$ cut [option] file
Example: we that cut will test file from column 1 7
arief@noize:~$ cut c 1 7 tests
this han
the line i.
antoro@drutz:~$ test paint
this just one test from output redirection
this the line affix from long time one...
From example gets to appear that cut just feature content from test file from column 1 7

From its name can be guessed that this instruction functioning to look for file or directori even.
$ find / path [option]
arief@noize:~$ find. -name te*
This instruction is beneficent for data search in file, purpose grep will more mengefisienkan time to weigh
shall read by piece
$ grep [option] "data" file
arief@noize:~$ grep "this" test
this just one test from output redirection
this the line affix from long time one...

Utility commands this is subject to be make link from one file / directori goes to file / directori any other
$ ln s / path / to / source target
arief@noize:~$ ln s test tests
arief@noize:~$ ls l
full scale 2
-rw r--r-- 1 arief@noize 102 Nov 9 14:11 tests
lrwxrwxrwx 1 arief@noize Nov 4 10 03:21 quizs -> test
From example gets to be seen that file tests is constitute link from test file
This instruction is utilized to know where its position one file or directori. Its function is thereabouts with
with find, locate's difference utilizes one database (usually lies at / var / lib / locatedb) one that
can at update utilizes to command updatedb.
$ locate
arief@noize:~$ locate tests
/home / arief / tests

This instruction as as at r on yanitu's PACK functions to feature content from a directory atributatribut therewith
its file.
$ ls [option] /directory
arief@noize:~$ ls / home / arief
test tests

mkdir ekivalen's instruction with md (make directory) on beneficent PACK to make one directory.
$ mkdir

This instruction is kindred by order of move on beneficent PACK to move file from one directory goes to
another directory, or can also be utilized as substitution of file name (ren / rename on PACK)
$ mv file1 is files
rm and rmdir
Instruction rm is command to erase file. To directory can utilize rmdir
$ rm
$ rmdir

This instruction contrary by order of cut, tail defines one data on rows terminological file it. Little bit
the difference is on tail default's ala is featured 10 rows most a stop to file contents
$ tail [option]
arief@noize:~$ tail is test
this just one test from output redirection
this the line affix from long time one...
If we want to feature just 2 last rows utilize option[- [nilai] For example:
arief@noize:~$ tail 2 tests
this the line affix from long time one...

Each device in linux to be able to being accessed beforehand have at mount or to be concerned.
$ mount [option] /dev / / path / to / mountdir
$ mount / dev / hda1 / mnt / is disc

This instruction is utilized to see each process which is carried on in therewith number machine its process.
$ ps [option]

kill's instruction (turned out) by name it is functioning to send signal goes to a process. So
can command if a process is delayed, discontinued or to be drawned out. But right usually been utilized for
turned out process which be walks.
$ kill
adduser, passwd and userdel
adduser's instruction and userdel is files for user's administration. adduser is utilized to add
user at one particular machine. Then afters adds to be determined password user a new one that by order of
passwd. Meanwhile userdel is utilized to erase user at machine. To carry on takes orders it
necessary root priviledge.
# adduser
# passwd
# userdel[-r]

Such a degree Turial from me, hopefully utilitarian for you all.. linux goes forward to go on barefisted..

Tutorial Open source

On the defensive at Open Source's Era

Open Source is one new system in distribute software to
user by gives program and source codenya is free ala! Even
user can study and does modification to make software
that corresponds to their requirement.
Richard M. Stallman,Free's founder Foundation's Software one which organization
backing up Open Source,issue one software license for Open Source
one that named by GPL (GNU Public License). License this is that current most
there are many is utilized to distribute Open Source's software. Besides GPL,
still a lot of another software license that developed by Open's community
Following is Open Source's software gain:

User flank:
* Freely
* User can be mixed up in program development because has
* source codenya
* Good response from wearing so bug can be found and
* improved by faster.

developer's flank:
* All community wants and get to help to make you software
* get better
* No advertising expense and program care
* As medium to introduce you concept
Linux is one example which nicely. There are many operating system which tries
imitating Linux's successful story, but Linux the most make a abode success until
now. Positive aspect from Open Source is accepting one extend to
software that aptly lovely. But that gain is inadequate,
specifically for person which really working with makes program
(programmer), they need money to drawn out development
their software (and for eating of course it).
ungkin severally from reader thinks, this crazy, if we distribute
our software with freely, how can we withstand? How is we
can result money? But waits,there is some way applicable
to result money from this Open Source's economy. But essential to
known that just software that really lovely defendable and
resulting money, bad program irresistible (but you
forcing men to buy it!). Following is umpteen among those:
* Sell program and source code and book's manual in one box, program
* that freely if user wants to download its own, but
* user shall pay to get komersialnya's product.
* Sell programs affix that utilize programs high-level tech
* Your Open Source.
* Sell support technicaling to helps user to utilize product
* that.
* Sell service for customize to program corresponds to user requirement.
* Advertising insert on software.
* Looking for sponsorship from firm that is engaged software
* one that is made.

That is a portion little example about how result money from
Open Source's software, as one gets you imagine,Open Source don't
just advantages user, but also advantages to divide developer.
I perceive this am win win's solution. So how has say you?

proxy's explanation

What is proxy?

Proxy is commisioned server as gate of door to access client goes to internal server extern network. 3 proxy's main functions which is Connection Sharing, Filtering and Caching

How is proxy's ways of working?

Proxy is server works as client's intermediate and extern server. Upon client tries to access sticking out (called by request) proxy server gets her pretend role as client what does merequest access to go to outer server,then then while outer server that wending to give response, proxy passes on to respond that pretend proxy those server one gives to respond.

Any kind its application?

proxy is server can walk on there are many application for example HTTP Proxy or Proxy's Web to HTTP'S protocol or Web, FTP Proxy, SMTP / is Proxy POP for enamel, NNTP proxy for Newsgroup, RealAudio / is Proxy's Real Video to multimedia streaming, IRC proxy for Relay Chat's Internet (IRC), etc.. Each will only accept,kept up or does filter on packages that resulting by accordingly service.

Its configuration example

squid's configuration example:
1. first step

http_port 8080 # IT given up by YOU its PORT REPLACINGS / NOT
hierarchy_stoplist cgi bin?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY
cache_mem 16 MB
cache_swap_low 90
cache_swap_high 95
maximum_object_size 2000 KB
minimum_object_size 0 KB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 10 KB
cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
memory_replacement_policy heap GDSF
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm Squid proxy caching server web
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern. 0 20% 4320

acl all src /
acl kabehbeh src / 24
acl udanggoreng src
acl petiskangkung src
acl gembusrebus src
acl babyboy src
acl qutebebeh src
acl berli src / 24
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src /
acl to_localhost dst / 8
acl isukisuk time MTWHF 07:45 - 18:30
acl awanawan time MTWHF 12:00 - 13:00
acl soresore time MTWHF 15:15 - 17:00
acl sedino time MTWHF 07:00 - 19:00

acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80 8080 # http
acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 563 10000 # https, snews
acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025 65535 # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http

http_access deny manager
http_access allow udanggoreng
http_access allow petiskangkung sedino
http_access allow gembusrebus soresore
http_access allow babyboy sedino
http_access allow qutebebeh
http_access allow manager localhost
visible_hostname # suiting WITH HOSTNAME YOU
http_access deny! Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT! SSL_ports
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all
http_reply_access allow all
icp_access allow all

4. Squid's configuration was activated, don't forget to restart squid
# /etc / rc. c / init. d. / squid restarts (I Pake Mandrake, another one alone suiting)

5. edit file / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / ip_forward utilizes appetite appropriate editor. deputize for point 0 as 1
or can also you type to pass shell # echo 1> /proc / sys / net / ipv4 / ip_forward

6. Forward is package that makes towards eth0 that konek with public, no until incorrectly determination ethnya, shall eth konek's one goes to public's network that melakkukan POSTROUTING
# iptables t nat a. POSTROUTING o eth0 j. MASQUERADE

7. Don't forget ethernet addressnya's configuration that eth1 with local address, one that eth0 care of public (kalo have) kalo adsl utilizes address that corresponds to adslnya's modem. For ipaddress's configuration with ordinary editor # vi / etc / sysconfig / network scripts / ifcfg eth0

IPADDR=192. 168.1. 254 # suitings with you network address
NETMASK=255. 255. 255. 0
NETWORK=192. 168.1. 0
BROADCAST=192. 168.1. 255

for also for eth1nya # vi / etc / sysconfig / network scripts / ifcfg eth1

IPADDR=192. 168.0. 2
NETMASK=255. 255. 255. 0
NETWORK=192. 168.0. 0
BROADCAST=192. 168.0. 255
# Suiting care of public you or care of ADSL you

8. Ediit is file / etc / resolve.conf
nameserver # suitings with dns provider you, This telkom

10. until in here ought to proxy you konek can go to internet. and also can function as proxy server.