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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tutorial Open source

On the defensive at Open Source's Era

Open Source is one new system in distribute software to
user by gives program and source codenya is free ala! Even
user can study and does modification to make software
that corresponds to their requirement.
Richard M. Stallman,Free's founder Foundation's Software one which organization
backing up Open Source,issue one software license for Open Source
one that named by GPL (GNU Public License). License this is that current most
there are many is utilized to distribute Open Source's software. Besides GPL,
still a lot of another software license that developed by Open's community
Following is Open Source's software gain:

User flank:
* Freely
* User can be mixed up in program development because has
* source codenya
* Good response from wearing so bug can be found and
* improved by faster.

developer's flank:
* All community wants and get to help to make you software
* get better
* No advertising expense and program care
* As medium to introduce you concept
Linux is one example which nicely. There are many operating system which tries
imitating Linux's successful story, but Linux the most make a abode success until
now. Positive aspect from Open Source is accepting one extend to
software that aptly lovely. But that gain is inadequate,
specifically for person which really working with makes program
(programmer), they need money to drawn out development
their software (and for eating of course it).
ungkin severally from reader thinks, this crazy, if we distribute
our software with freely, how can we withstand? How is we
can result money? But waits,there is some way applicable
to result money from this Open Source's economy. But essential to
known that just software that really lovely defendable and
resulting money, bad program irresistible (but you
forcing men to buy it!). Following is umpteen among those:
* Sell program and source code and book's manual in one box, program
* that freely if user wants to download its own, but
* user shall pay to get komersialnya's product.
* Sell programs affix that utilize programs high-level tech
* Your Open Source.
* Sell support technicaling to helps user to utilize product
* that.
* Sell service for customize to program corresponds to user requirement.
* Advertising insert on software.
* Looking for sponsorship from firm that is engaged software
* one that is made.

That is a portion little example about how result money from
Open Source's software, as one gets you imagine,Open Source don't
just advantages user, but also advantages to divide developer.
I perceive this am win win's solution. So how has say you?

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