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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Take orders linux's Basic


if has came in to go to this page your matter have success install linux....
for the first time perhaps we shall make ready user new before, besides root, since what, our kalo new first time holds new material usually we ever be left experimen right, and it dangerously what again you again log in as root, let its safe main as user of so-sos for that we shall get things square user logs in any other besides root. we take for example user andi its trick as it:, since one can get things square / makes only root therefore you shall log in before as root

Previously to be known that deep unix, instruction or command is case sensitiv, one that matter shall at uppercase purpose looking at and its little.

booting linux temen temen disuguhi's first time felicitates to come and end on text prompt as it:

Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in:
on prompt this inserts root's name, and password it you still to remind first time installation time.
Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in:root
afterwards steps to go to password
Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in:root
Password: ******* fill in passwordnya
if you find prompt as it:
Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in:root
Password: *******
last logs in: mon jun 7 16:53:21 on tty1
[root@localhost /root] #
udah's matter is successful logs in one for root
on sign # it denotes you log in as root and plenipotentiary to system, for the moment you have ready to add new user by order of adduser,as beikut; e.g. name it arief
[root@localhost /roo] # adduser arief
afterwards adds password for arief by order of passwd
[root@localhost /root] # passwd arief
afterwards will emerge writing as following as to fill password and password's confirmation
root@localhost root # passwd arief New Unix Password: ******* , fill in password in here
Retype new unix password: ********, this fills in to equal that above
then kalo emerges:
passwd: all authentification tokens updated succesfully
udeh's matter success makes user and password new for user arief
now issue from root by sets down logout or Ctrl d. (ctrl key press then d.)
[root@localhost /root] # logout
note: machines deadening trick linux shall be done by logs in root, do command it to switch off linux
[root@localhost /root] # shutdown h now
this is trick most safe to turn the computer off over linux, parameter h is deadening linux's program or shutdown in windows 2000 terminology
[root@localhost /root] # shutdown r now is parameter to restart computer
we drawn out, and appearance will as this hereunder as as that above:
Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in: arief
Password: *******, fill in passwordnya andi
you will step to go to:
Redhat Linux release 6.0 (hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5 15 on an i586
localhost logs in: arief
Password: *******
last logs in: mon jun 7 16:53:21 on tty1
[arief @localhost arief] $
You safe have successful uses new user. and you can begin studying safely and bash prompt see you are changed as sign $. that its meaning logs in as user ordinary.
Now we study To Command basic that often been utilized by user:

- ls (list) are command to see file or direktory even, there are several option at in it and can see pake
man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ ls la
this is see all aught file content in direktory arief
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for ls by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man ls
- cp (copy) are command for mencopy / double file available many option at in it and that dilihatdengan can
man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ cp namafile (new file name)
this is see mencopy namafile's file and to be made namafilebaru aught in direktory arief
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for cp by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man cp
- rm (remove) are command to erase file, there is beberpa option at in it and can see pake instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ rm namafile
this is see to erase one file whatever available in direktory arief, and named namafile
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for rm by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man rm
- mv (move) are command to move file from long time place goes to place a new one,there is beberpa option
at in it can see pake man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ mv / home / arief / direktory001 / namafile / home / andi / direktor002 / namafile
this is memindahakan namafile at direktory / home / arief / direktory001 / goes to directory
/home / arief / direktor002 /
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for mv by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man mv
- pwd (parrent working directory) are command to erase sees directory where we lie currently
there is beberpa option at in it and can see pake man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ rm namafile
this is see to erase one file whatever available in direktory arief, and named namafile
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for pwd by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man pwd
- CD (change directory) are command for devolves directory where we lie currently go to place
or directory new, there are several option at in it and can be seen by order of man
[arief @localhost arief] $ CD / mnt or CD / usr / doc
this is moving into direktory / mnt and devolves into direktory / usr / doc
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for cd by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man is CD
- mkdir (make directory) are command to make directory
there are several option at in it and can see pake man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ mkdir / home / arief / studies
this is make new direktory one is placed at direktory / home / arief / and by the name of studying
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for mkdir by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man mkdir
- rmdir (remove directory) are command to erase directory
there are several option at in it and can see pake man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ rmdir / home / arief / studies
this is erase direktory those are on direktory / home / arief / by the name of studying
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for rmdir by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man rmdir
- paint is command to see content more from file something (as type's instruction in PACK)
there are several option at in it and can see pake man's instruction
[arief @localhost arief] $ namafile's paint
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for mkdir by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man paints
- man (manual) are command to see manual from a command (seperty commands help /? in PACK)
[arief@localhost andi] $ man mkdir
- top is subject to be see process that be happens deep computer and will feature PID'S number from
each process that be walks
PID = Process ID
- kill kills / switch off process that be happens deep system
[arief @localhost arief] $ kill 1332 (where is number 1332 is PID'S numbers from one processes)
can see PID'S number passes to command top
want to know form more tries to carry on manual instruction for kill by:
[arief @localhost arief] $ man kill
- killall kills / switch off all process that be happens deep system
[arief @localhost arief] $ killall

such a degree tutorial from me,, you comment appeal in posting this

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